2005-08-01 01:49:06

by 宁 宁

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Subject: [Bluez-devel] Re:How can I set CSR module as PCM master?

thanks for your help!
I connected bluecore2 module and MC145483 like this:

bluecor2 MC145483
PCM_OUT <-----------> PCM_IN
PCM_IN <-----------> PCM_OUT
PCM_CLK <-----------> PCM_CLK
PCM_SYNC <-----------> PCM_SYNC

Is that right?

And I try to transmit vocie like this:

on PC A:
$ rfcomm listen 0 5&
Waiting for connection on channel 5
$ scotest -r
scotest[114]: Waiting for connection ...

on PC B:
$ hstest play wrong.mp3 4A:49:4E:00:15:2F 5
Voice setting: 0x0060
RFCOMM channel connected
SCO audio channel connected (handle 44, mtu 64)

then, on PC A, I recieve :
scotest[87]: Connect from 4A:49:4E:00:15:2D [handle
45, class 0x000000]
scotest[87]: Receiving ...
scotest[87]: 728 bytes in 0.00m speed 4.43 kb
scotest[87]: 728 bytes in 0.00m speed 4.55 kb
scotest[87]: 728 bytes in 0.00m speed 4.55 kb
Then ,I can"t hear anything from the speaker of
MC145483 Codec on PC A!
How do you transmit voice? what's your steps? what's
your program?

Thanks in advance!



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