2005-09-12 09:07:49

by Stefan Michaelis

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [Bluez-devel] Re: hid2hci segementation fault at boot time


finally got the time to look into it over the weekend. Used gdb as Marcel
proposed and there we go, it was a problem in the resmgr. Updated it and no
longer a segmentation fault occurs. Too stupid I did not think of this
myself; sorry for thinking hid2hci does not work.
Regarding pskey: Nice idea, tried it and pskey tells me it can not find the
persistent storage for bootmode. I will stick to hid2hci, believing it is
the safer way to switch modes.



>Hi Stefan,
> > I own a Logitech Bluetooth Desktop keyboard and mouse. I wanted to use
> the
> > Logitech dongle to additionally connect my Bluetooth headset to the PC
> > Skype voice calls.
> > So far no problems, modules and demons load fine, switched the Logitech
> > dongle to bluetooth mode via hid2hci.
> To automate this process during boot time I enabled the bluetooth.init
> script. The demons and modules still load fine, but hid2hci crashes with
> > segmentation fault. When I run the init script after bootup as superuser
> > everything goes fine.
> > Any idea where is the difference or what I am doing wrong?
> > Running Suse 9.1 with a vanilla kernel Tried the last three
> > releases of Bluez.
> check with dmesg if you see a kernel oops. Otherwise use gdb to debug
> the problem.
> Regards
> Marcel

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