2005-02-04 15:25:46

by Andreas Millinger

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [Bluez-devel] Re: Re: Re: Re: hciattach problem

Hello Marcel,

I have checked the bluez-utils/libs versions and it doesn't depend on
it. The Kernel I have tested with is a vanilla kernel with bootsplash,
subfs and tiocgdev patches. The 2.6.11-rc2 is a Kernel-of-the-Day kernel
from Suse. I attach the card with hciattach ttyS16 csr. That is H4,
isn't it? Isn't the problem there with other cards? I will check with a
clean vanilla-kernel.



>Hi Andreas,
>>> I will check that with the the different bluez-utils/lib versions. But the Card is using H4. I have tried BCSP, too, but there is a Timeout error.
>I can't remember a change between -mh1 and -mh2 that would affect the
>H:4 part of the hci_uart driver. Are you sure that these are clean
>vanilla kernels with only my patch applied?

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