2008-02-29 14:18:34

by pramod gurav

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Subject: [Bluez-devel] Obex FTP failing on ARM platform

hi list
I am trying to transfer file using BT to my phone.
I have cross compiled bluez libs, utils, openobex, obexftp
hcid & sdpd are running
when I try to send file using
$obexftp -b 00:0E:6D:E0:E5:13 -B 10 -p test1.raw
I get
Browsing 00:0E:6D:E0:E5:13 ...
Channel: 10
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect

Also when I try to run obexftpd daemon
# obexftpd -b
failed to register bluetooth server: Success

when I try bluetooth-service-transfer
#bluetoothd-service-transfer &
transfer[514]: Bluetooth transfer service ver 3.25
this keep on waiting

Can anyone help me in this please?

Thanks and Best regards


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