2024-05-02 14:09:49

by Sam Bull

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [oss-security] CVE-2024-30251: DoS in aiohttp

Aiohttp is an HTTP client and server-side web framework in Python. This issue only affects
users of the server-side web framework. We've not seen any evidence of this being
exploited in the wild yet, and fixes were already included in the 3.9.4 and 3.9.5


### Summary
An attacker can send a specially crafted POST (multipart/form-data) request. When the
aiohttp server processes it, the server will enter an infinite loop and be unable to
process any further requests.

### Impact
An attacker can stop the application from serving requests after sending a single request.


For anyone needing to patch older versions of aiohttp, the minimum diff needed to resolve
the issue is (located in `_read_chunk_from_length()`):

diff --git a/aiohttp/multipart.py b/aiohttp/multipart.py
index 227be605c..71fc2654a 100644
--- a/aiohttp/multipart.py
+++ b/aiohttp/multipart.py
@@ -338,6 +338,8 @@ class BodyPartReader:
assert self._length is not None, "Content-Length required for chunked read"
chunk_size = min(size, self._length - self._read_bytes)
chunk = await self._content.read(chunk_size)
+ if self._content.at_eof():
+ self._at_eof = True
return chunk

async def _read_chunk_from_stream(self, size: int) -> bytes:

This does however introduce some very minor issues with handling form data. So, if
possible, it would be recommended to also backport the changes in:

signature.asc (201.00 B)
This is a digitally signed message part