2008-06-12 04:37:16

by colorant

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Subject: Re: [Bluez-users] How to use Bluez with CSR chip ?

Hi attaboyu and henry

Thanks so much for your kindly help!

I try it , and meet some problem:

the bluez-utils/tools/example.psr seems not comply with my chip, so I write another one as:

&01fe = 0FA0

&01be = 0EBF

I try with the csr's demo before , if it set this two pskey , the chip can work well.

And then after hciconfig hci0 up I use

bccmd -t hci psload -r csr.psr

the two key is write successfully , but then the chip continue to receive messages , seems something wrong.

Can you send me your psr file to have a reference , or you can point out anything wrong in my process ?

By the way, if I want to read a pskey, how can I do ?

I remove the debug message so that you can see the log more clear:

~ #
~ # bccmd -t hci psload csr.psr
Loading PSKEY_ANA_FREQ ... done
Loading PSKEY_UART_BAUDRATE ... done


if I using -r in psload the result is :

~ # bccmd -t hci psload -r csr.psr
Loading PSKEY_ANA_FREQ ... done
Loading PSKEY_UART_BAUDRATE ... done
~ #
~ # bcsp_recv: Error in BCSP hdr checksum

both one could not work for hcitool scan:

~ # hcitool -i hci0 scan
Scanning ...
Inquiry failed: Connection timed out

seems after warm reset the connection is bad.

So , I wonder, when using hciattach the baudrate is set to 115200
but after the uart_baudrate is set, the baudrate is set to 921600
then how can the hci interface work anymore ? since it is set to 115200, and I can not use bccmd to set the pskey before hciattach is done.

I did need to change the baudrate, for this case , how can I achieve it ?


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