2008-07-03 00:36:17

by colorant

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Bluez-users] bluez utils Cross compiling steps

> I am trying to cross compile bluez utils.After researching through
> the web i found out that it has lot of dependencies like dbus,expat
> etc..............

Hi , Ram, Yes , It depends on a lot of things, If you want to found out what
it need , just using ./configure --enable-all and see the output message.
If will checking for something it need, if it passed, it's ok. If not, build

Actually , even if something the configure complain not found, as long as
the configure can pass, you can still build the program, just that some
features will be missing I guess.

And , you might also want to try ./configure --help to check out what kind
of flag you want to pass to configure.

> Please let me know what are the dependencies for cross compiling bluez
> utils and bluez-libs....???? Do i have to cross compile the bluetooth
> bluez-stack also in order to compile bluez-libs and
> bluez-utils.......?????

Bluez-libs should be needed by bluez-utils, there are not something else
called bluez-stack need to be built before hand.

> Any guide how to configure the bluez-libs and bluez-utils to cross
> compile....based on the kernel 2.6.24.............will be helpful to
> me................

> Regards,
> Ram


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