2007-06-14 04:29:47

by 飞天猪

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Subject: [Bluez-users] Dbus error happened when I ran hcid

Hello! Everyone .I have compile bluez-libs-3.11 and bluez-utils-3.11 in scratchbox for arm .
I could use hcitoll scan to find devices and sdptool to find services after I ran hciconfig hci0 up.
But when I ran hcid -n after start dbus-daemon --system,error happened.
[root@(none) /]# hcid -n
hcid[481]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
hcid[481]: Can't connect to system message bus: Did not receive a reply. Possibl
e causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus s
ecurity policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network conn
ection was broken.
hcid[481]: Unable to get on D-Bus
I think maybe the dbus was not configure properly.I also compile it in scratchbox for arm.
I have changed --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc,and also made a link in /etc/ to
/var/bluetooth and a link dbus-1 in /etc to /var/dbus-1 because my file system is scram format,files can be
read only in the flash,only the var directory can be changed.
Can someone help me? I have no idea now though searching google so long time.
Wang Jimscen
Jun 14,2007

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