2005-07-18 07:54:32

by 宁 宁

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [Bluez-users] Re:how to transmit hexadecimal data and voice?

Thanks Marcel for your reply! And I have solved the
first problem,I created a rfcomm connection,and sent
data sucessfully! Thanks again!

However,I am still puzzled with then second
problem.What I did is as follows:
on platform A:
$ rfcomm listen 0 1
Waiting for connection on channel 1

on platform B:
$ hsmicro 4A:49:4E:00:15:2F 1
-t: No such file or directory
Voice setting: 0x0060
RFCOMM channel connected
SCO audio channel connected (handle 44, mtu 64)





Then ,I inserted a microphone into the MC145483 Codec
on platform B and spoken,but on platform A there was
no response from the Code's speaker!
Please correct me if i"m wrong. Do I need to add some
services such as HS,HF,A2SRC and A2SNK?
Or maybe there is something wrong on the connection
between Bluetooth module's PCM interface and the
Motoral MC145483 Codec?

I am really confused now!




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2005-07-18 08:03:20

by Marcel Holtmann

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Bluez-users] Re:how to transmit hexadecimal data and voice?


> Thanks Marcel for your reply! And I have solved the
> first problem,I created a rfcomm connection,and sent
> data sucessfully! Thanks again!
> However,I am still puzzled with then second
> problem.What I did is as follows:
> on platform A:
> $ rfcomm listen 0 1
> Waiting for connection on channel 1
> on platform B:
> $ hsmicro 4A:49:4E:00:15:2F 1
> -t: No such file or directory
> Voice setting: 0x0060
> RFCOMM channel connected
> SCO audio channel connected (handle 44, mtu 64)

you can't listen only for a RFCOMM channel. You must also listen for a
SCO connection. Why don't you test with scotest as I told you last time.

> Then ,I inserted a microphone into the MC145483 Codec
> on platform B and spoken,but on platform A there was
> no response from the Code's speaker!
> Please correct me if i"m wrong. Do I need to add some
> services such as HS,HF,A2SRC and A2SNK?

This depends on the tools. Most Linux tools will also work without any
service records if you specify the right command line parameters.

> Or maybe there is something wrong on the connection
> between Bluetooth module's PCM interface and the
> Motoral MC145483 Codec?

This can be, but how should I know?



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