2005-07-21 09:25:38

by 宁 宁

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [Bluez-users] Can I use headset tools such as hstest in this case?

My case is as fllows:
I use two CSR(Bluecore2) modlues on two arm platforms
respectively ,what I want to do is that I can use
bluez stack on arm platform sucessfully.And now,I can
create ACL and SCO connection,both l2test and scotest
run well.Even,I can transmit files using the program
I just want to transmit voice data through bluetooth
modules so that I can talk with others using
microphone.And I connected a MC145483 Codes(13-bit
Line ) throught PCM interface.

What I did is as follows:
on platform A:
$ rfcomm listen 0 5&
Waiting for connection on channel 5
$ scotest -r
scotest[114]: Waiting for connection ...

on platform B:
$ hstest play wrong.mp3 4A:49:4E:00:15:2F 5
Voice setting: 0x0060
RFCOMM channel connected
SCO audio channel connected (handle 44, mtu 64)

then, on platform A, I recieve :
scotest[87]: Connect from 4A:49:4E:00:15:2D [handle
45, class 0x000000]
scotest[87]: Receiving ...
scotest[87]: 728 bytes in 0.00m speed 4.43 kb
scotest[87]: 728 bytes in 0.00m speed 4.55 kb
scotest[87]: 728 bytes in 0.00m speed 4.55 kb
Then ,I can't hear anything from the speaker of
MC145483 Codec on platform A!

If try hsmicro on platform B:
$ hsmicro 4A:49:4E:00:15:2F 1
-t: No such file or directory
Voice setting: 0x0060
RFCOMM channel connected
SCO audio channel connected (handle 44, mtu 64)




on platform A,receive the same message as above !

And ,A and B can't change role each other, if A send
and B listen,then B can't recieve anything!

Please correct me if i"m wrong. I wonder if I can use
headset profile or not! after all, my hardware is just
bluetooth module instead of Headset!
Or maybe there is something wrong on the connection
between Bluetooth module"s PCM interface and the
Motoral MC145483 Codec? This Codec is a 13-bit line
PCM Codec, maybe the voice data format is wrong ?

[\u@\h \W]\$ hciconfig hci0 version revision
hci0: Type: UART
BD Address: 4A:49:4E:00:15:2D ACL MTU: 384:4
SCO MTU: 64:8
HCI Ver: 1.1 (0x1) HCI Rev: 0x2c1 LMP Ver:
1.1 (0x1) LMP Subver: 0x2c1
Manufacturer: Cambridge Silicon Radio (10)
Build 705
Chip version: BlueCore02-External
Max key size: 56 bit
SCO mapping: PCM

your replay is always welcome!



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