2006-04-01 16:19:49

by Cris

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [Bluez-users] Anonymous service setup


I was asked to set up a linux (debian) box, which has an usb bluetooth
dongle, and which would allow anyone passing by and having a bluetooth
enabled device, to fetch some file from the server.

Unfortunately, I'm really stuck with all this, too many TLAs. I
managed to run hciconfig listing the dongle, to scan and inquire a
cellphone and to use l2ping on the MAC address. But there doesn't seem
to be a way to make a basic filetransfer.

When trying with obexftp, the celphone will asked for a PIN, when I
enter that which is written in /etc/bluetooth/pin, but then it just
hangs. In daemon.log, I can see the messages from hcid
"link_key_request" and "pin_code_request" but nothing else. After some
time, both obexftp desists, and the Motorola celphone would reboot. I
have been looking for some sort of debug mode of hcid, but couldn't
find any flag. I also changed the pin_helper line in the config file
to be a shellscript which just outputs "PIN:1234", but still doesn't
work. (the script is executable and works on the shell).

Thus, my first question is, what do I need to do to make this work. I
should work, right? And the second question is, what kind of service I
would have to setup, such that anybody can get some files prepared on
that server, with the minimum hassle of typing pincodes.



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2006-04-09 20:46:34

by Cris

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Bluez-users] Anonymous service setup

On Sun, 2 Apr 2006 13:17:55 -0400
"Albert Huang" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Many phones do not require authentication for OBEX Push. You might try to
> use that instead of OBEX File Transfer to avoid the PIN issue. take a look
> at ussp-push.
> -albert

Thanks, Albert, and sorry for taking so long to check it
out. Unfortunately, ussp-push also requires a PIN. This is exactly
what I tried. First:

obexftp -b 00:15:A8:F3:B5:DF -l
Browsing 00:15:A8:E3:A5:DF ...
Channel: 9
No custom transport

Here the phone askes if I want to connect and I say Yes. Then it asks
me for a PIN which I type in (the same which is in /etc/bluetooth/pin)
and the phone tells me that the PIN is invalid. I can try the same or
any other...

Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect

until, eventually, they give up. Then, with ussp-push:

ussp-push --dev hci:0 00:15:A8:F3:B5:DF@1 test.jpg test.jpg
pushing file test.jpg
name=test.jpg, size=1377
Registered transport

set user data

created new objext
Local device 00:10:60:AA:BA:53
Remote device 00:15:A8:E3:B5:DF (1)

Here I'm asked by the phone to type in the PIN.

connect: Connection refused
Link broken!

started a new request
Error while doing OBEX_HandleInput()
Connection return code: -1, id: 0
Local device 00:10:60:AA:BA:53
Remote device 00:15:A8:C3:A5:DF (1)
connect: Connection refused
Link broken!
Error while doing OBEX_HandleInput()unable to connect to the
server error

ObexFTP is version 0.10.8, ussp-push is version v0.5.

What else could I try?



This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language
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2006-04-02 17:17:55

by Albert Huang

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Bluez-users] Anonymous service setup

Many phones do not require authentication for OBEX Push. You might try to
use that instead of OBEX File Transfer to avoid the PIN issue. take a look
at ussp-push.


On 4/1/06, Christoph Simon <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was asked to set up a linux (debian) box, which has an usb bluetooth
> dongle, and which would allow anyone passing by and having a bluetooth
> enabled device, to fetch some file from the server.
> Unfortunately, I'm really stuck with all this, too many TLAs. I
> managed to run hciconfig listing the dongle, to scan and inquire a
> cellphone and to use l2ping on the MAC address. But there doesn't seem
> to be a way to make a basic filetransfer.
> When trying with obexftp, the celphone will asked for a PIN, when I
> enter that which is written in /etc/bluetooth/pin, but then it just
> hangs. In daemon.log, I can see the messages from hcid
> "link_key_request" and "pin_code_request" but nothing else. After some
> time, both obexftp desists, and the Motorola celphone would reboot. I
> have been looking for some sort of debug mode of hcid, but couldn't
> find any flag. I also changed the pin_helper line in the config file
> to be a shellscript which just outputs "PIN:1234", but still doesn't
> work. (the script is executable and works on the shell).
> Thus, my first question is, what do I need to do to make this work. I
> should work, right? And the second question is, what kind of service I
> would have to setup, such that anybody can get some files prepared on
> that server, with the minimum hassle of typing pincodes.
> Thanks,
> --
> Chris
> -------------------------------------------------------
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting
> language
> that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live
> webcast
> and join the prime developer group breaking into this new coding
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