2008-06-09 09:10:57

by Fritz Code

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Subject: [Bluez-users] pairing problems


I want to use a Bluetooth keyboard and it works fine so far, but there are
some problems after the initial pairing.

To get the keyboard wokring I do the following steps:

hcid and passkey-agent are running.

hcitool scan
hcitool cc <bdaddr>
After this step hcitool con lists a established connection to the keyboard
auth <bdaddr>
Enter PIN on keyboard

Now the entry in hcitool con changes to AUTH
So the connection is authorized and established and the keyboard works (I
use bthid, anyway the process of authorization and pairing is done by hcid,
and hcitools)

Usually from now this initial pairing process shouldnt be necessary for
further sessions, but unfortunately it is.
In oder to use the keyboard again (after disabling it) I have to go through
the whole process again, but befor I have to /var/lib/bluetooth/*

So how can I establish further connections without the whole pairing



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