2004-02-24 03:49:37

by Matthew Reimer

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Bluez-users] How to configure a 723kbps connection?

Steven Singer wrote:
> The spec allows the link quality to be tied to anything, but module
> manufacturers will be aware that if they don't have at least some
> component of the link quality sensitive to whether DH packets are likely
> to get through, they're going to get support calls of the form "why am I
> getting only 400 kbps but get_link_quality says the link is perfect?"
> However, since the logs Matt gave show him running hcitool to get
> the link quality, he must be getting it on the Linux side of the
> link which, according to his hciconfig, is a CSR device.
> This tells us that the CSR device is has a BER for received packets
> that's low enough for DH5 packets to stream at 700 kbps. However, it
> tells us nothing about the BER for packets received at the Ipaq end.
> The link may not be symmetric. However, even if the link had switched
> to DM5 packets, we'd expect to see 470 kbps. To get 265 kbps the link
> would have to be atrocious (> 0.4% BER). I think it's unlikely that
> we'd have a 0.4% BER one way and < 0.0025% the other way.
> There may be other issues. For example, poor choice of L2CAP MTU
> could limit the packet types that are allowed (for example, L2CAP
> MTUs sigificantly below 150 could limit the data rate). This would
> show up on an HCI trace. An HCI trace would also confirm which profile
> was being used for the connection.
> It may be that the Ipaq is limited in the rate at which it can process
> data. This could cause it to assert UART flow control to the Bluetooth
> chip, stalling the data flow.
> As for testing with Zeevo, it's probably safest if I say nothing. Most
> interoperability testing is covered by NDAs.
> - Steven

I think the UART speed hypothesis is right.

I did some further tests and got up to 340kbps over PAN. I think
Activesync might have been getting in the way in my previous tests where
I was only getting ~265kbps.

Then I used haret to read the UART registers and this is what I found:

BTDLL 0x40200000 0x02
BTDLH 0x40200004 0x00

So if the baud rate = 14.7456MHz / (16 * (BTDLH << 8 | BTDLL))

then PPC2003 is programming the UART for 460800 bps.

I also got verification from Jamey Hicks at HP/CRL that the bluetooth
part is hooked up to the pxa255's bluetooth serial port, so there should
be plenty of bandwidth available there (921.6kbps).

I tried setting the divisor to 1 manually, but then bluetooth wouldn't
work. Maybe PPC2003 isn't fast enough to handle interrupts at that rate?

I've included the rest of the register dump at the end in case there's
anything else interesting there. I don't know much about serial
programming, so I don't know what everything means, but it was
interesting that DMA requests are disabled. Maybe if PPC2003's
implementation used DMA, higher throughput could be achieved?


BTIER 0x40200004 0x5d receiver data avail int enabled |
transmit FIFO data req int disabled |
receiver line status int enabled |
modem status int enabled |
char timeout indication int enabled |
NRZ coding disabled |
UART unit enabled
DMA requests are disabled

BTIIR 0x40200008 0xc1 FIFO mode enable status = reserved (?) |
no int pending
BTFCR (write only)
BTLCR 0x4020000c 0x03 DLAB = 0 | set break = 0 | sticky
parity = 0 |
even parity select = 0 (meaning odd
parity) |
parity enable = 0 (meaning no parity) |
stop bits = 0 (meaning 1 stop bit) |
word length select = 0x03 (meaning
8-bit char)

BTMCR 0x40200010 0x0b dtr = 1 | rts = 1 | out1 = 0 | out2 = 1 |
LOOP = 0

BTLSR 0x40200014 0x60 FIFO err status = 0 | transmitter empty
= 1 |
transmit data req = 1 | break int = 0 |
framing error = 0 | parity error = 0 |
overrun error = 0 | data ready = 0

BTMSR 0x40200018 0x10 dcts = 0 | ddsr = 0 | teri = 0 | ddcd = 1 |
cts = 1 | dsr = 0 | ri = 0 | dcd = 0

BTSPR 0x4020001c 0x00
BTISR 0x40200020 0x00 xmitir = 0 | rcveir = 0 | xmode = 0 |
txpl = 0 | rxpl = 0

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