2007-10-29 22:10:02

by Matthew Wilson

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [Bluez-users] I need help pulling photos off my phone with bluetooth

I have a Samsung A707 phone with AT&T. They call this the SYNC phone.
Anyway, I can export photos off the phone when I boot into Windows, but
all attempts to do this with my Ubuntu linux box have failed.

I have a D-Link USB dongle and I can scan and find my phone:

$ hcitool dev
hci0 00:1B:11:6F:9F:3E

$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:1D:F6:55:7E:D9 MattPhone

My phone seems to advertise that it supports file transfer:

$ sdptool search FTP
Inquiring ...
Searching for FTP on 00:1D:F6:55:7E:D9 ...
Service Name: File Transfer
Service RecHandle: 0x10006
Service Class ID List:
"OBEX File Transfer" (0x1106)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
"RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Channel: 6
"OBEX" (0x0008)
Profile Descriptor List:
"OBEX File Transfer" (0x1106)
Version: 0x0100

So, I started hcid with the -n option in one terminal and then ran
obexftp -b 00:1D:F6:55:7E:D9 -l in another terminal.

Then my phone asks me to punch in my PIN. So I enter the same 4 digits
that are in my /etc/bluetooth/pin, and then I get prompted to enter it

Here is what appears in the terminal where I start hcid:

$ sudo hcid -n
hcid[23210]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
hcid[23210]: Unknown option 'pin_helper' line 27
hcid[23210]: syntax error line 27
hcid[23210]: HCI dev 0 registered
hcid[23210]: HCI dev 0 already up
hcid[23210]: Device hci0 has been added
hcid[23210]: Starting security manager 0
hcid[23210]: Device hci0 has been activated
hcid[23210]: Created local server at
audio[23213]: Bluetooth Audio daemon
audio[23213]: Parsing /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf failed: No such file or
audio[23213]: Unix socket created: 5
hcid[23210]: Can't connect to SDP daemon:(Connection refused, 111)
hcid[23210]: Failed to register service record
audio[23213]: Adding service record failed: Connection refused
audio[23213]: Unable to register HS AG service record
audio[23213]: Unregistered manager path
audio[23213]: Audio init failed!
input[23214]: Bluetooth Input daemon
input[23214]: Registered input manager path:/org/bluez/input
hcid[23210]: link_key_request (sba=00:1B:11:6F:9F:3E,
hcid[23210]: pin_code_request (sba=00:1B:11:6F:9F:3E,
hcid[23210]: link_key_request (sba=00:1B:11:6F:9F:3E,

And this is what I see when I run obexftp:

$ obexftp -b 00:1D:F6:55:7E:D9 -l
Browsing 00:1D:F6:55:7E:D9 ...
Channel: 6
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect

Finally, here's the output to /var/log/syslog while all of this is going

Oct 29 17:52:12 coleridge hcid[23196]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
Oct 29 17:52:12 coleridge hcid[23196]: Unknown option 'pin_helper' line
Oct 29 17:52:12 coleridge hcid[23196]: syntax error line 27
Oct 29 17:52:12 coleridge hcid[23196]: Could not become the primary
owner of org.bluez
Oct 29 17:52:12 coleridge hcid[23196]: Unable to get on D-Bus
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: Unknown option 'pin_helper' line
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: syntax error line 27
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: HCI dev 0 registered
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: HCI dev 0 already up
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: Device hci0 has been added
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: Starting security manager 0
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: Device hci0 has been activated
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: Created local server at
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge audio[23213]: Bluetooth Audio daemon
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge audio[23213]: Parsing
/etc/bluetooth/audio.conf failed: No such file or directory
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge audio[23213]: Unix socket created: 5
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: Can't connect to SDP
daemon:(Connection refused, 111)
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge hcid[23210]: Failed to register service record
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge audio[23213]: Adding service record failed:
Connection refused
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge audio[23213]: Unable to register HS AG service
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge audio[23213]: Unregistered manager path
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge audio[23213]: Audio init failed!
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge input[23214]: Bluetooth Input daemon
Oct 29 17:52:35 coleridge input[23214]: Registered input manager
Oct 29 17:52:43 coleridge NetworkManager: <debug> [1193694762.951781]
nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is
Oct 29 17:52:43 coleridge hcid[23210]: link_key_request
(sba=00:1B:11:6F:9F:3E, dba=00:1D:F6:55:7E:D9)
Oct 29 17:52:50 coleridge hcid[23210]: pin_code_request
(sba=00:1B:11:6F:9F:3E, dba=00:1D:F6:55:7E:D9)
Oct 29 17:52:51 coleridge hcid[23210]: link_key_request
(sba=00:1B:11:6F:9F:3E, dba=00:1D:F6:55:7E:D9)
Oct 29 17:52:51 coleridge NetworkManager: <debug> [1193694771.446616]
nm_hal_device_removed(): Device removed (hal udi is
Oct 29 17:52:51 coleridge NetworkManager: <debug> [1193694771.446928]
nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is
Oct 29 17:53:53 coleridge NetworkManager: <debug> [1193694833.073638]
nm_hal_device_removed(): Device removed (hal udi is

Any ideas?



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2007-10-31 16:25:37

by Marcel Holtmann

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Bluez-users] I need help pulling photos off my phone with bluetooth

Hi Matthew,

> I have a Samsung A707 phone with AT&T. They call this the SYNC phone.
> Anyway, I can export photos off the phone when I boot into Windows, but
> all attempts to do this with my Ubuntu linux box have failed.

you might wanna include the output of hcidump -X -V when trying this.
However I am pretty sure that you have no passkey agent running or a
screwed up system. I would advise that you have a clean install or
better switch to something like Ubuntu Gutsy were all the needed tools
can be installed easily.



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2007-11-01 02:39:12

by Mohan Sundaram

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Bluez-users] I need help pulling photos off my phone with bluetooth

Marcel Holtmann wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
>> I have a Samsung A707 phone with AT&T. They call this the SYNC phone.
>> Anyway, I can export photos off the phone when I boot into Windows, but
>> all attempts to do this with my Ubuntu linux box have failed.
> you might wanna include the output of hcidump -X -V when trying this.
> However I am pretty sure that you have no passkey agent running or a
> screwed up system. I would advise that you have a clean install or
> better switch to something like Ubuntu Gutsy were all the needed tools
> can be installed easily.
> Regards
> Marcel
I use Gutsy with a Moto phone. I'm able to do obex xfrs to and from the
phone by running a obex server on the system. I had a problem pairing
with passkey agent etc. I used a dbus-send command as given in the bluez
security page and some fast typing of passkey to register the first
time. Since then I've been able to use it with kmobiletools.


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