2006-03-28 15:54:12

by zhu yong

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [Bluez-users] problem: application bug: pand(4239) has SIGCHLD set to SIG_IGN but calls wait().

hi, everyone
I want to use two bluetooth dongle to connect my notebook and pc so I
can use same connection to internet. Both of them use Redhat9.0 and the
lastest bluez-utils-2.25 and bluez-libs-2.25.
*In pc, I input these comands*
"hciconfig hci0 up
pand --listen --role NAP --master"
*In notebook, I input these comands*
"hciconfig hci0 up
pand --role PANU --search --service NAP
pand --connect <the bt address of pc dongle> --service NAP"
but not bnep0 device create.
*I cat /var/log/messages, have some error info of "kernel: application bug:
pand(4239) has SIGCHLD set to SIG_IGN but calls wait()." Is this bug known,
or I use error command?*
*Maybe you can help me, any advice is appreciate.*
*yong Zhu*
*info as follows:*
"Mar 28 23:24:13 localhost kernel: BlueZ Core ver 2.2 Copyright (C)
2000,2001 Qualcomm Inc
Mar 28 23:24:13 localhost kernel: Written 2000,2001 by Maxim Krasnyansky <
[email protected]>
Mar 28 23:24:13 localhost kernel: BlueZ HCI UART driver ver 2.1 Copyright
(C) 2000,2001 Qualcomm Inc
Mar 28 23:24:13 localhost kernel: Written 2000,2001 by Maxim Krasnyansky <
[email protected]>
Mar 28 23:24:13 localhost /sbin/hotplug: no runnable
/etc/hotplug/bluetooth.agent is installed
Mar 28 23:24:38 localhost kernel: BlueZ BNEP ver 1.1
Mar 28 23:24:38 localhost kernel: Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Inventel Systemes
Mar 28 23:24:38 localhost kernel: Written 2001,2002 by Clement Moreau <
[email protected]>
Mar 28 23:24:38 localhost kernel: Written 2001,2002 by David Libault <
[email protected]>
Mar 28 23:24:38 localhost kernel: Copyright (C) 2002 Maxim Krasnyanskiy <
[email protected]>
Mar 28 23:25:17 localhost pand[4237]: Bluetooth PAN daemon version 2.25
Mar 28 23:25:17 localhost pand[4237]: Inquiring
Mar 28 23:25:45 localhost pand[4239]: Bluetooth PAN daemon version 2.25
Mar 28 23:25:45 localhost pand[4239]: Connecting to 00:11:67:20:7e:33
Mar 28 23:25:45 localhost kernel: application bug: pand(4239) has SIGCHLD
set to SIG_IGN but calls wait().
Mar 28 23:25:45 localhost kernel: (see the NOTES section of 'man 2 wait').
Workaround activated.
Mar 28 23:25:45 localhost kernel: BlueZ L2CAP ver 2.1 Copyright (C)
2000,2001 Qualcomm Inc
Mar 28 23:25:45 localhost kernel: Written 2000,2001 by Maxim Krasnyansky <
[email protected]>"

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