2005-06-24 15:03:05

by andreas knuth

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Subject: [Bluez-users] Re: BlueZ, Linux and Windows

Esther Lopez <esther.lopez <at> erzia.com> writes:

> Hello you all
> I’m quite new at Linux and BlueZ, and I’m having lots of
> problems to get it into work. I have a Linux PC (Fedora 4), a Windws XP PC,
> a Ericsson T630 mobile phone.
> I have also, a TDK Bluetooth USB adapter, and a conceptronic one, both
> found in the BlueZ supported hardware.
> Using the Fedora 4 PC, I have managed to discover the winPC and the
> mobile, but when I try to connect to them an error is displayed (cannot attach
> specified device). I also tried to pair the phone with the Linux PC, but an
> error is displayed in the mobile. When I start the pairing from the Win PC,
> Linux one get’s blocked.
> An application called “Bluetooth manager” seems also not to
> work. Nothing happens when I try to use it…
> I need some help, on basic issues. Perhaps some “blueZ for
> dummies” manual ;)
> I hope somebody can help me.

As one source you could study the information provided by the following link


special remark: the phones expect normally a running service on the other side
depending from which menu point in the phone you try to connect to the other

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