2008-01-05 19:16:53

by paul Rushworth

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Bluez-users] Updated to bluez 3.24 from Ubuntu repo's. Headphones still disconnect after 2-3 mins.

Paul Rushworth <paul <at> rushworth.co.nz> writes:

> Unfortunately, i am still having the same disconnect problem after 2-3 minutes
> of use.
> I'm unsure what to try next. I can connect to the internet via my nokia n80 and
> bluetooth, and the connection seems to persist for well over 5 minutes.
> Any help greatfully received.
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Interesting development. I just played xmoto for 14 minutes with headphones.

Generally, i've been using vlc to play movies / audio, and this is when i've
been disconnected. I am currently listening to an mp3 in totem 2.20 w/ Xine.
It's working after 4 minutes.

Perhaps vlc with audio sink is the cause of the problem?

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