From: Ming Yen Hsieh <[email protected]>
This patchset includes some bugfixes for CLC (Country Location Control),
suspend/resume and ACPI SAR.
Ming Yen Hsieh (4):
wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix incorrect type conversion for CLC command
wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix potential command timeout issues when suspend
wifi: mt76: mt792x: fix a potential loading failure of the 6Ghz
channel config from ACPI
wifi: mt76: mt792x: update the country list of EU for ACPI SAR
.../net/wireless/mediatek/mt76/mt7921/mcu.c | 4 +--
.../net/wireless/mediatek/mt76/mt7921/pci.c | 2 ++
.../wireless/mediatek/mt76/mt792x_acpi_sar.c | 28 ++++++++++---------
3 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)