2011-01-08 11:36:36

by Indan Zupancic

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Subject: [PATCH] ipw2200: Check for -1 INTA in tasklet too.

This is an attempt to fix a long standing open bug:

The interrupt handler checks for INTA being -1, apparently that means that the
hardware is gone. But the interrupt handler defers actual interrupt processing
to a tasklet. By the time the tasklet is run and checks INTA again, the
hardware might be gone and INTA be -1, which confuses the driver because all
event bits are set.

The patch applies to 2.6.37.

Signed-off-by: Indan Zupancic <[email protected]>


diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.c
index 8d6ed5f..ae438ed 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.c
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.c
@@ -1973,6 +1973,13 @@ static void ipw_irq_tasklet(struct ipw_priv *priv)

inta = ipw_read32(priv, IPW_INTA_RW);
inta_mask = ipw_read32(priv, IPW_INTA_MASK_R);
+ if (inta == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
+ /* Hardware disappeared */
+ /* Only handle the cached INTA values */
+ inta = 0;
+ }
inta &= (IPW_INTA_MASK_ALL & inta_mask);

/* Add any cached INTA values that need to be handled */