2012-05-21 12:37:06

by Ozan Çağlayan

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: scripts in compat tree


(Resending as plain-text, sorry for the duplication in lf_driver_backports list)

I will be working on the GSoC project to prepare compat graphics drivers.

Looking at the scripts (ckmake and get-compat-kernels) in the compat
tree, I see that they are only handling Ubuntu systems. First of all,
should they really be distro-aware? Why not to download the tarballs
from kernel.org? Isn't it a more generic approach?

If this makes sense, I'd like to extend those scripts to handle
vanilla kernels with a cmdline switch which won't care at all about
lsb_release. I will hardcode end-of-life products and parse kernel.org
to dynamically detect new versions, download and extract them under
/lib/modules if they don't exist in there, etc.

I'm waiting for your feedback :)

Ozan Çağlayan