Otto Wyss ([email protected])

Number of posts: 15 (0.02 per day)
First post: 2001-03-06 20:58:07
Last post: 2002-11-16 17:16:01

Date List Subject
2002-11-26 19:52:21 linux-kernel Re: A Kernel Configuration Tale of Woe
2002-11-16 17:16:01 linux-kernel DinX, an experimental windowing system
2002-09-09 19:39:12 linux-kernel Portrait display mode with framebuffer drivers
2002-02-24 16:49:46 linux-kernel Kernel panic: Loop 1 (aic7xxx driver)
2001-12-20 18:48:09 linux-kernel Re: Booting a modular kernel through a multiple streams file
2001-12-17 18:50:28 linux-kernel Re: Booting a modular kernel through a multiple streams file
2001-12-16 20:37:53 linux-kernel Booting a modular kernel through a multiple streams file
2001-04-28 08:45:38 linux-kernel PROBLEM: Framebuffer does not handle kernel parameter when compiled as a module
2001-03-24 10:29:44 linux-kernel Re: Linux should better cope with power failure
2001-03-24 08:46:06 linux-kernel Re: Linux should better cope with power failure
2001-03-23 19:30:11 linux-kernel Re: Linux should better cope with power failure
2001-03-19 22:40:18 linux-kernel Re: Linux should better cope with power failure
2001-03-19 22:37:08 linux-kernel Re: Linux should better cope with power failure
2001-03-19 19:48:03 linux-kernel Linux should better cope with power failure
2001-03-06 20:58:07 linux-kernel USB-keyboard not recognize after connection