Tomer Maimon ([email protected])

Number of posts: 688 (0.28 per day)
First post: 2017-09-04 14:24:09
Last post: 2024-05-22 16:35:49

Date List Subject
2022-07-10 11:54:02 linux-kernel [PATCH v1 1/2] dt-binding: pinctrl: Add NPCM8XX pinctrl and GPIO documentation
2022-07-10 11:49:26 linux-kernel [PATCH v1 2/2] pinctrl: nuvoton: add NPCM8XX pinctrl and GPIO driver
2022-07-10 10:24:27 linux-kernel [PATCH v1 0/2] pinctrl: nuvoton: add pinmux and GPIO driver for NPCM8XX
2022-07-06 17:17:27 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 10/16] dt-bindings: arm: npcm: Add maintainer
2022-07-06 17:16:32 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 12/16] dt-bindings: arm: npcm: Add nuvoton,npcm845 GCR compatible string
2022-07-06 17:11:04 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 15/16] arm64: dts: nuvoton: Add initial NPCM845 EVB device tree
2022-07-06 17:10:37 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 06/16] ARM: dts: nuvoton: add reset syscon property
2022-07-06 17:10:26 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 11/16] dt-bindings: arm: npcm: Add nuvoton,npcm845 compatible string
2022-07-06 17:10:05 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 14/16] arm64: dts: nuvoton: Add initial NPCM8XX device tree
2022-07-06 17:09:34 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 13/16] arm64: npcm: Add support for Nuvoton NPCM8XX BMC SoC
2022-07-06 17:08:36 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 09/16] reset: npcm: Add NPCM8XX support
2022-07-06 17:06:11 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 16/16] arm64: defconfig: Add Nuvoton NPCM family support
2022-07-06 16:59:50 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 05/16] dt-bindings: reset: npcm: add GCR syscon property
2022-07-06 16:59:30 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 04/16] clk: npcm8xx: add clock controller
2022-07-06 16:58:32 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 07/16] reset: npcm: using syscon instead of device data
2022-07-06 16:58:32 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 08/16] dt-bindings: reset: npcm: Add support for NPCM8XX
2022-07-06 16:58:19 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 03/16] dt-binding: clk: npcm845: Add binding for Nuvoton NPCM8XX Clock
2022-07-06 16:58:15 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 02/16] dt-bindings: watchdog: npcm: Add npcm845 compatible string
2022-07-06 16:58:09 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 00/16] Introduce Nuvoton Arbel NPCM8XX BMC SoC
2022-07-06 16:57:50 linux-kernel [PATCH v7 01/16] dt-bindings: timer: npcm: Add npcm845 compatible string
2022-06-30 12:08:05 linux-kernel Re: [PATCH v6 08/17] reset: npcm: using syscon instead of device data
2022-06-30 11:15:40 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 06/17] dt-bindings: reset: npcm: add GCR syscon property
2022-06-30 11:14:41 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 16/17] arm64: dts: nuvoton: Add initial NPCM845 EVB device tree
2022-06-30 11:14:41 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 17/17] arm64: defconfig: Add Nuvoton NPCM family support
2022-06-30 11:12:53 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 04/17] dt-binding: clk: npcm845: Add binding for Nuvoton NPCM8XX Clock
2022-06-30 11:10:12 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 08/17] reset: npcm: using syscon instead of device data
2022-06-30 10:47:55 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 10/17] reset: npcm: Add NPCM8XX support
2022-06-30 10:46:36 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 13/17] dt-bindings: arm: npcm: Add nuvoton,npcm845 GCR compatible string
2022-06-30 10:38:47 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 15/17] arm64: dts: nuvoton: Add initial NPCM8XX device tree
2022-06-30 10:38:47 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 14/17] arm64: npcm: Add support for Nuvoton NPCM8XX BMC SoC
2022-06-30 10:38:47 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 05/17] clk: npcm8xx: add clock controller
2022-06-30 10:38:45 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 09/17] dt-bindings: reset: npcm: Add support for NPCM8XX
2022-06-30 10:38:40 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 12/17] dt-bindings: arm: npcm: Add nuvoton,npcm845 compatible string
2022-06-30 10:38:34 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 07/17] ARM: dts: nuvoton: add reset syscon property
2022-06-30 10:38:31 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 11/17] dt-bindings: arm: npcm: Add maintainer
2022-06-30 10:38:30 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 02/17] dt-bindings: serial: 8250: Add npcm845 compatible string
2022-06-30 10:38:29 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 00/17] Introduce Nuvoton Arbel NPCM8XX BMC SoC
2022-06-30 10:38:25 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 01/17] dt-bindings: timer: npcm: Add npcm845 compatible string
2022-06-30 10:38:25 linux-kernel [PATCH v6 03/17] dt-bindings: watchdog: npcm: Add npcm845 compatible string
2022-06-23 15:26:22 linux-kernel Re: [PATCH v4 06/18] clk: npcm8xx: add clock controller
2022-06-22 14:09:42 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 18/18] arm64: defconfig: Add Nuvoton NPCM family support
2022-06-22 14:06:57 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 03/18] dt-bindings: serial: 8250: Add npcm845 compatible string
2022-06-22 14:05:05 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 08/18] ARM: dts: nuvoton: add reset syscon property
2022-06-22 14:05:00 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 09/18] reset: npcm: using syscon instead of device data
2022-06-22 14:04:40 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 07/18] dt-bindings: reset: npcm: add GCR syscon property
2022-06-22 14:02:53 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 01/18] dt-bindings: timer: npcm: Add npcm845 compatible string
2022-06-22 13:26:27 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 05/18] dt-binding: clk: npcm845: Add binding for Nuvoton NPCM8XX Clock
2022-06-22 13:26:03 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 06/18] clk: npcm8xx: add clock controller
2022-06-22 13:25:57 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 16/18] arm64: dts: nuvoton: Add initial NPCM8XX device tree
2022-06-22 13:25:51 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 17/18] arm64: dts: nuvoton: Add initial NPCM845 EVB device tree
2022-06-22 13:25:49 linux-kernel [PATCH v5 13/18] dt-bindings: arm: npcm: Add nuvoton,npcm845 compatible string