2008-03-27 13:01:11

by David Stockwell

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Subject: [Bluez-devel] TODO: --enable/--disable options in bluez-utils

Subsequent to yesterday's post, I found all of the configure options to enable/disable various options.

In my application, I have no real need (at this point, at least) for audio streaming, and I might like to diable -gstreamer, -alsa, and similar options. Probably would also disable -serial and certain other profiles.

And there are other things, like --enable-usb, which if I disable it might turn off my USB-connected Bluetooth dongle.

However, at this point I am using --enable-all, since there is no real documentation of the dependencies. Any chance these might be documented: with 27 options, that's about 268 million permutations, which would take a while to figure out...

Something for the TODO list?

David Stockwell

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2008-03-27 15:03:36

by Marcel Holtmann

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Bluez-devel] TODO: --enable/--disable options in bluez-utils

Hi David,

> Subsequent to yesterday's post, I found all of the configure options
> to enable/disable various options.
> In my application, I have no real need (at this point, at least) for
> audio streaming, and I might like to diable -gstreamer, -alsa, and
> similar options. Probably would also disable -serial and certain
> other profiles.
> And there are other things, like --enable-usb, which if I disable it
> might turn off my USB-connected Bluetooth dongle.

I will not. It is only needed for using libusb.

> However, at this point I am using --enable-all, since there is no
> real documentation of the dependencies. Any chance these might be
> documented: with 27 options, that's about 268 million permutations,
> which would take a while to figure out...

A lot of these options will go away when we hit 4.0, but feel free to
start a wiki page and start documenting them.



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