Can anyone explain the difference between aead.ko and authenc.ko ?
How does crypto decide to use aead.ko instead of authenc.ko ? I am guessing it
is something to do with XFRM ?
Dean Jenkins
MontaVista Software
Dean Jenkins <[email protected]> wrote:
> Can anyone explain the difference between aead.ko and authenc.ko ?
AEAD is a type of crypto algorithms, just like cipher or hash.
Authenc is a particular AEAD algorithm, just like AES is a cipher
or SHA is a hash.
> How does crypto decide to use aead.ko instead of authenc.ko ? I am guessing it
> is something to do with XFRM ?
Well IPsec uses the AEAD interface so it loads the aead.ko due
to symbol dependencies. The authenc module is loaded if the
user specifies a normal block cipher and hash algorithm.
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