2002-06-01 11:46:42

by Thunder from the hill

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [Q] kbuild-2.5: inside or outside Makefile


You requested piecemeal of kbuild-2.5, and I'm currently hashing it. Thus
one question: someone mentioned to migrate current kbuild-2.4 to
kbuild-2.5, while Kaos' version suggests to at first have a separate

Which do you prefer now? Shall I have it into the current Makefile, or in
a separate Makefile-2.5?


ship is leaving right on time | Thunder from the hill at ngforever
empty harbour, wave goodbye |
evacuation of the isle | free inhabitant not directly
caveman's paintings drowning | belonging anywhere

2002-06-01 11:49:53

by Thunder from the hill

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Q] kbuild-2.5: inside or outside Makefile


On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, Thunder from the hill wrote:
> You requested piecemeal of kbuild-2.5, and I'm currently hashing it. Thus
> one question: someone mentioned to migrate current kbuild-2.4 to
> kbuild-2.5, while Kaos' version suggests to at first have a separate
> Makefile-2.5.
> Which do you prefer now? Shall I have it into the current Makefile, or in
> a separate Makefile-2.5?

Another suggestion: have a Makefile-2.4 and a Makefile-2.5, then symlink
to which one is getting used.

> <URL:ftp://luckynet.dynu.com/pub/linux/kbuild-2.5/>

ship is leaving right on time | Thunder from the hill at ngforever
empty harbour, wave goodbye |
evacuation of the isle | free inhabitant not directly
caveman's paintings drowning | belonging anywhere